WOERNER hands over TeCboxen to primary schools

A fascination for technology at primary school
Experiment cases were developed for grades one to four to awaken an interest in technical careers at an early stage with children. Heilbronn University designed the “TeCboxes” together with the “Faszination Technik” association in conjunction with the Südwestmetall Employers’ Association, Ludwigsburg University of Education and the Baden-Württemberg Business Educational Institute.
As a continuation of the “Technolino” project, which has already become established as a “research project” in three Wertheim day nurseries, Eugen Woerner is also financing two class sets of “TeCboxes” for primary schools.
Woerner Managing Director Dr. Sven Schultheis talked about the current lack of engineers as he presented the boxes. Prof. Gerhard Peter of Heilbronn University also stressed that over the next few years there would be fewer engineers entering the market than retiring. “Technolino” and the “TeCbox” represent ingenious methods of counteracting this trend in good time, as it is already too late in grades 10 and 11, according to Dr. Peter.
Photo: Presentation of the “TeCboxes“ at Wertheim-Bestenheid Primary School (l to r): Head Kathrin Cruse (Bestenheid PS), Head Alice Jäger (Wertheim PS and Secondary School), Thomas Wießler, Project Manager BBQ Berufliche Bildung GmbH, Dr. Sven Schultheis, Managing Director Eugen Woerner GmbH & Co. KG and Prof. Gerhard Peter, Heilbronn University.