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WOERNER hands over TeCboxen to primary schools

Experiment cases were developed for grades one to four to awaken an interest in technical careers at an early stage with children.

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WOERNER promotes creative minds in the Tauber Valley

The “Creative Minds” project has been running at Wertheim schools since January 2011. Companies and municipalities in the district were asked to get involved in this student competition to give young people an understanding of technology and offer them a platform for implementing their ideas.

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Chamber of industry and commerce "Best Apprentice Project" Award

On 20 June 2013, WOERNER apprentices were awarded the Chamber of Industry and Commerce Heilbronn-Franken Initiative Prize for the best apprentice project in the region. There was great delight as the apprentices learned that their project had been awarded the prize as the best of the 31 companies that took part in the Initiative Prize.

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